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Ticket kopen voor evenement The Go To Comedy Show

The Go To Comedy Show
Organisatie : Standaard Comedy

€ 12,49


The long awaited sequel to our brand new comedy show in the Old Harbor: it's the Go To Comedy Show! Featuring some of the best comedians the international scene in The Netherlands has to offer. This is surely a night out you don't want to miss. In the cozy Huiskantine, in the heart of the Old Harbor we will have five comedians take the stage. Each one will fire off their hilarious jokes while you sit back and enjoy a beer, a wine, or maybe even a cocktail. The MC of the night, Jeroen Bloemhoff, will make sure everything runs smoothly and everybody's comfortable. So come on over, grab a beer, have a laugh and we'll make you feel right at home!

The entire show will be in English.

Corona measures
We will take some measures to ensure a show that is safe, responsible and takes everyone's health into account we will take some measures into account. Most importantly, upon entering the show you will be asked if you have experienced any flu-like symptoms. We will also direct you to your assigned seat. This is to make sure we follow the social distancing rules and make optimal use of the space. Because of this we also encourage you to buy tickets in groups as that will make it a bit easier for us. We'll make sure there will be disinfectant for everyone to use, and the mic used by the comedians will be cleaned in between sets.



do, 01 okt, 2020
20:30 - 23:00



Slepersvest 1
3011 MK

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